The Forest Queen's Radiance is a 5E Compatible adventure in the aether-fueled world of Eryphir. This challenging adventure revolves around the fey of The Dreaming and their inevitable encounters with mortals on the Prime. The vengeful Forest Queen of the Haleathemyr Vale seeks retribution against those who would trespass in her Vale.
Inspired by the matching dice from Skullsplitter Dice's Kickstarter, for which this adventure was a stretch goal, we brought out the greens and golds of the Forest Queen in the design.
Subject 9RPG
Bug HuntRPG
Vurt: The Tabletop Role Playing GameMarketing
Size MattersRPG
The GM TableBranding
Cypher UnlimitedBranding
Irrgardless wants to make gaming look better, and to help game designers focus on what they do best: even better games.